33 weeks. 42 days left. Okay, rude people, I am ready for you.
Yes, I am all baby.
Yes, I am low.
Yes, I am uncomfortable.
Yes, this is my last one.
Yes, I mind if you touch my belly.
Now, because my husband thinks I focus on the negative way too much.
Thank you, Hillary S., for telling me how cute I have been dressing. I made a conscious effort to avoid muu-muus and sweat pants. It took some time on my own sewing machine and some helpful blogs to create maternity pants, shorts, skirts and capris that fit my odd shape.
Thank you, Shellie J., for telling me I must eat like a mouse. She just doesn't know the mouse is actually one that spent time in a radioactive plant and is the size of a football player.
Thank you, Danae E., for recognizing the days that I do my hair and make-up.
And a big THANK YOU to all those who say nothing at all!