Monday, November 3, 2008


A high-pitched scream from Mia is not uncommon in our house, but when it accompanied a scorpion-sighting, we all had heart attacks!

(There was a picture of a scorpion here, but the Obama-loving New York Times made me remove it!)

We came home last night around 7:45 pm and as we entered the house from the garage, Mia started to scream and I saw a 2-3 inch scorpion hit the tile.

My friend's daughter was stung recently so I knew to wash the wound, ice it and give her Tylenol, then we called Poison Control. They were most helpful although I had to leave Mia wailing in the kitchen and go into the bathroom so I could hear the nurse. She told me what to expect (lots of intense pain) and what to be alarmed by (eyes jumpy, like she's had 20 cups of coffee). I was relieved to hear that in 50 years, not one person has died from a scorpion bite in Maricopa County. Whew!


Unknown said...


I just came across your blog and found a copyrighted image there. owns the copyright to that image and doesn't allow it to be reproduced without permission and a fee.

I ask that you immediately remove that image. Alternatively, you could certainly link to the page at my site where that image appears. Here's that link.

I am supposed to report copyright violations to the legal department of The New York Times, but I would prefer to give you the opportunity to correct this mistake.

Thanks for your quick attention.

Judy Hedding Guide to Phoenix, AZ is part of The New York Times Company

Jenson Family said...

Wow. Um, I was just going to say how crazy that was! Scary scorpions! They are just straight up freaky! I didn't know anything about the copyright thing, but I feel bad for whoever had that scorpion in their house! "Judy" was nice about it though!

Honey said...

NAST! Poor Mia, that's awful!

Andrea said...

OH my goodness!! That is crazy! Poor Mia!! That sounds so painful!!

And is Linda for real?? Seriously?

Andrea said...

Sorry Judy, I ment Judy and not Linda. I really should get some sleep!!