About 4 minutes into our outing with Crystal, Dre, and Fin, Mia slipped on the concrete water pad at the Santan Village Mall and hit her head. She fell asleep in the car on the way home and woke up vomiting. Hoping to avoid the emergency room, we went to our pediatrician's after-hours care to get checked out. He was concerned about the vomiting episodes that occurred more than an hour apart and called over to a pediatric ER doc at Banner Desert to arrange for a head CT.
I had to truck the whole family with me since Layla is nursing. I thought maybe the phone call had given us a free pass into the ER, but alas, it was not to be! We waited in the waiting room for 90 minutes before seeing the aforementioned pediatric ER doc. Then we waited another 30 minutes for radiology. Meanwhile, Mark was in the car with Layla and Ava because I did not want my other healthy children, especially my infant, mingling with the other ER patrons. (I will have to blog about the psycho chick who came in screaming that her teeth were driving her insane!)
After about 14 calls on my cell phone from the parking lot, I traded spots with Mark, and he got the good prognosis from whoever. Just a mild concussion! Nevertheless, I was able to sleep that night not worrying about a brain bleed.
I just have one question. Why is it called an emergency room if no one who works there has any urgency like there are emergencies going on? My child was alert and vigorous, with healthy vitals, but we just felt like we were inconveniencing the hospital and doctors.
Thank goodness for TiVo which saved "The Office" and "American Idol" for us. Anyone know where I can get a copy of Hunter's album? (Inside Office joke...)
Oh my gosh! Poor Mia, but poor mom and family who had to go through the ordeal as well! That's scary!
Oh, don't heads just bleed something fierce? We have had 2 head injuries and they are scary. Glad to hear she was alright.
Alexis- I'm sorry I'm "blog stalking" you, I found your link on Mary's blog. I was laughing at your comments about the Twighight series...I just wrote about it on my blog a few weeks ago too. I also appreciate Jacob and think Bella is a little bit crazy. I don't see all the hype about the books, but I will probably read the next one and see the stinkin' movie because I'm curious. Anyway, sorry about the ER experience...those are the worst!
Stupid ER. I totally agree with you--they don't treat anything like an emergency! I've had similar experiences, where I've thought, "If there is something wrong with my kid, he could be dying right now and they won't even see us yet!" I hate it. I guess you only get VIP treatment if you come in the ambulance. Sorry about having the dumb idea of going to Santan Village : ( I'm glad she's ok!
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