Friday, June 27, 2008

Layla in motion

Layla (who will be 5 months next week) rolled from her back to tummy today. I thought it was a fluke. so I put her back on her back and she proceeded to do it about 5 more times. Then when I sat Mark, Ava and Mia down to see her, she just grabbed her toes and giggled. She did prove it to them later on.

She's growing too fast. I thought 3 would be enough for me, but now that she is sleeping all night, maybe a fourth will be an option (not in the near future, I have some weight to lose still). What is the magic number for you?


Amanda said...

Hooray for Layla!! Such a cute baldish baby. My kids were always such hairballs. As for the magic number, well for me I think it might have been one (don't tell Alex). But since I have 2 it will just have to be 2. :)

Hanson Crew said...

How fun - congrats layla! I always wanted 2, John always wanted 3, and somewhow (not really, I know how!) we got 4! I would still like to adopt another girl someday (so maybe 5), but who knows?

Andrea said...

Layla is so beautiful!! I love it when they do something for mom and then pretend they don't know it when everyone else is watching.
I want five, but my husband says we are finished with three, but I still want a fouth. I feel like three just isn't enough.

Twinlinebackers said...

Isn't it cute to watch them roll over? I thought my Hannah's first roll was an accident too. Congrats on a cute baby.

I hope you don't mind that I found you. Do you remember me? I was Laurie's statistics friend at BYU. I saw you on her blog list - not that she ever updates HER blog - so I thought I'd pop over and see what you're doing these days. You have cute kids.