Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nothing Exciting!

Nothing noteworthy to report. Layla has been sleeping all night--until 5 am! I LOVE her! 10 more days of school for Ava, then first grade. We have been doing swimming lessons. I finally got my first Shutterfly "Print Your Digiscrap pages." Hope everyone is doing well!

We are planning to be in SLC from May 27th (or so) until July 6th. If anyone else will be there, let me know. How come Utah and Salt Lake County seem to be home base for so many of us who aren't actually from Utah?

Gotta put the monsters to bed.


Jenson Family said...

Ok - let's definitely hook up in Utah! I know for sure we'll be there on July 3-July 11, so defintely then. But, I am maybe going to come up in late June... I will keep you posted! Holy cow you are going to be in Utah forever! Where are you staying? Is Clare going to have her baby while you're there?

Andrea said...

I was so wanting to go to Utah for the summer, but I just don't think we will be able to this year!! I am so jealous that Layla is sleeping all night. Lydia is 8 months and she will wake up at least one time if not twice. She is killing me!! But last night she woke up at 5am and then slept until 9 am. So, maybe the end of sleepless nights are near.

The Lindsays said...

Alexis, it might be fun to get as many of the ladies together as we can from the old ward sometime. It would be great to see you.